In accordance with IATF-Resolution No. 116 s.2021, the public is informed of the protocols for inbound travelers:

1. The inbound international travel of all persons, regardless of vaccination status, to any port of the Philippines, shall be governed by the following entry, testing and quarantine protocols:

     a. All arriving travelers shall undergo a fourteen (14) day quarantine upon arrival with the day of arrival being first day. The first ten days shall be observed in a quarantine facility with the remainder to be completed under home quarantine in their respective local government units of destination;

     b. Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR) testing shall be conducted on the seventh day of quarantine. Notwithstanding a negative test result, the arriving traveler shall complete the facility-based quarantine period of ten (10) days.     

     c. The Bureau of Quarantine shall ensure strict symptom monitoring while in the facility quarantine for ten (10) days; and

     d. The foregoing shall be subject to special protocols approved by the IATF or the Office of the President for certain classes of travelers or ports of origin. 

2. For foreign spouses of Filipino nationals who are in the Philippines, they must submit documentary proof of filiation including but not limited to the following documents when applying for visas at the Philippine Consulate General:

     a. Original Marriage Certificate from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) if married in the Philippines.

     b. Report of Marriage (ROM) if married abroad and the applicant has no PSA copy yet;

     c. Apostilled foreign Marriage Certificate by issuing country, or foreign Marriage Certificate authenticated by Post;

     d. Proof of Filipino citizenship of spouse;

     e. Proof that the spouse is indeed living and currently in the Philippines (e.g. barangay certificate)

3. For foreign spouse of Filipino nationals traveling with them but are coming from visa-required countries, they must submit documentary proof of filiation including but not limited to the following documents:

     a. Original Marriage Certificate from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) if married in the Philippines;

     b. Report of Marriage (ROM) if married abroad and the applicant has no copy yet;

     c. Apostilled foreign Marriage Certificate by issuing country or foreign Marriage Certificate authenticated by Post;

     d. Proof of Filipino citizenship of spouse.

For Overseas Filipino Workers: for quarantine accommodation for swab testing