The public is informed of the latest testing and quarantine regulation applicable to all arriving international passengers to the Philippines effective 0001H (Manila time) of 08 May 2021 pursuant to Resolution No. 114 of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID), as follows:

  1. A mandatory 14-day quarantine will be imposed on all arriving travelers --- 10 days in an accredited hotel or quarantine facility upon arrival (Day 1), and the remaining 4 days of isolation (Day 11 - Day 14) at home or in their hotels, provided that their RT-PCR test results taken on Day 7 are negative.
  2. Arriving passengers will have to complete the minimum 10-day stay in the government-accredited quarantine facility even if the Day 7 RT-PCR test result is negative.
  3. This new regulation will be in effect in all ports of entry and shall be applicable to all international arrivals regardless of Covid-19 vaccination status of arriving passengers.

Please be guided accordingly.