Advisory: Updated Requirements for Bringing Home Pets in the Philippines

The Consulate General of the Republic of the Philippines in Istanbul, Türkiye informs the public of the revised requirements and procedures for the transport of pets into the country:

1. Obtain an Import permit or the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance (SPSİC) issued by the Philippine Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) through and click BAI ONE TIME LINK (almost at the bottom of the page). This leads to the form to fill out and submit.

Alternatively, go direct to, and fill out the form. 

To check the status of your application, go to or

If the request is approved, click the reference number and it will bring the applicant to the 3-page SPSIC.  Print the permit and present this at the Quarantine station in the airport (Philippines). Approval usually takes 1-2 days.  The validity of the SPS permit is two months.

2. Veterinary Health Certificate for your pet from your veterinarian before you travel abroad from Türkiye. Please visit the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry website at for more information.

3. Make arrangements with ground handling agents.

4. Prepare documentary proof of the following:

  • Mandatory identification of pet dog or cat with ISO compliant microchip / RFID (radio-frequency identification). Personal Details of subject dog/s and/or cat/s (information should include - species, breed, sex, color, age, name of owner/exporter from the country of origin, and address of exporter);
  • VACCINATION and DEWORMING RECORDS (Original or Certified True Copy) of the subject dog/s and/or cat/s (front page and inside page with updated vaccination and deworming;
  • PHOTOGRAPH/S of the subject dog/s and/or cat/s; and
  • PET PASSPORT (personal details of the subject dog/s and/or cat/s), if applicable.

The above requirements must be presented at the Philippine airport upon arrival of the pet. Please note that failure to present these requirements may result in pet/s being quarantined upon arrival in the Philippines.

Moreover, effective June 01, 2018, dogs and cats imported without the required identification will be declined entry and returned to its origin. All costs incurred will be shouldered by the importer. END