(19 Oct 2021) - Pursuant to Resolution No.144-A and Resolution No.144-B s.2021 issued 14 Oct 2021 by the Philippine Inter Agency Task Force on the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), the following are the approved testing and quarantine protocols for international arriving passengers in all ports of entry in the Philippines and the list of territories classified as "Green", "Yellow", or "Red". The country/territory/jurisdiction color category classification is effective from 16-31 Oct 2021.


1) Algeria 18) Mali 35) Sierra Leone
2) American Samoa 19) Marshall Islands 36) Saint Eustatius
3) Bhutan 20) Micronesia, Federated States of 37) Solomon Islands
4) Burkina Faso 21) Montserrat 38) Sudan
5) Cameroon 22) Nauru 39) Syria
6) Cayman Islands 23) New Zealand 40) Taiwan
7) Chad 24) Nicaragua 41) Tajikistan
8) China (mainland) 25) Niger 42) Tanzania
9) Comoros 26) Niue 43) Tokelau
10) Congo, Republic of the 27) North Korea 44) Tonga
11) Cook Islands 28) Northern Mariana Islands 45) Turkmenistan
12) Eritrea 29) Palau 46) Tuvalu
13) Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 30) Poland 47) Uzbekistan
14) Gibraltar 31) Saba (Special Municipality of the Kingdom of Netherlands) 48) Vanuatu
15) Hong Kong SAR 32) Saint Helena 49) Yemen
16) Kiribati 33) St. Pierre and Miquelon  
17) Madagascar 34) Samoa  


Testing and Quarantine Requirements for Green List Arrivals
  Fully Vaccinated Unvaccinated / Partially Vaccinated / those whose vaccination status cannot be verified / those VACCINATED but failed to comply with the test-before-travel requirements
Foreign Nationals
  • Negative RT-PCR test taken 72 hours prior to departure from country of origin.
  • Upon arrival, no facility-based quarantine will be further required but passenger is encouraged to undergo 14-day self-monitoring for symptoms.
  • Pre-booked facility / quarantine accommodation for at least six (6) days


(whether OFW or non-OFW)

  • Facility-based quarantine until the release of a negative RT-PCR test taken in the quarantine facility upon arrival;


  • No facility-based quarantine but shall be required:

a) To show negative RT-PCR test taken 72 hours prior to departure from country of origin; and

b) 14-day self-monitoring for symptoms


  • Facility-based quarantine until the release of a negative RT-PCR test taken on the fifth day.

Note: Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated minor children travelling with their fully-vaccinated parent/s or guardian/s shall be required to observe the quarantine protocols corresponding to their vaccination status. A parent/guardian shall accompany the child in the quarantine facility for the full term of the latter's facility-based quarantine period.



1) Romania    

The inbound international travel to the Philippines of all persons, regardless of vaccination status, coming from or who have been to "Red"-list countries / jurisdictions / territories within the last fourteen (14) days prior to arrival at any port of the Philippines shall not be allowed EXCEPT Filipinos returning to the country via government-initiated repatriation, non-government repatriation, and Bayanihan flights subject to the given entry, testing an quarantine protocols:

  1. All passengers shall undergo fourteen (14) day quarantine upon arrival [10 days facility-based and the rest at home]. An RT-PCR test shall be taken on the seventh day from the day of arrival (Day 1).

  2. Nothwithstanding a negative test result, the arriving passenger shall complete the facility-based quarantine for 10 days.

Note: All passengers, whether Filipino or foreigners, merely transiting through a "Red"-list country / jurisdiction / territory shall not be deemed as having come from this country / jurisdiction / territory.



All other countries / territories / jurisdictions not otherwise listed above. 


Testing and Quarantine Requirements for Yellow List Arrivals
  Fully Vaccinated Unvaccinated / Partially Vaccinated / those whose vaccination status cannot be independently verified by PH authorities
Foreign Nationals  
  • Pre-booked facility / quarantine accommodation for at least six (6) days

  • and home quarantine thereafter until their tenth day with the day of arrival being the first day.
  • Pre-booked facility / quarantine accommodation for at least eight (8) days

  • and home quarantine thereafter until their fourteenth day with the day of arrival being the first day.


(whether OFW or non-OFW)

  • Facility-based quarantine until the release of a negative RT-PCR test taken on the fifth day.

  • and home quarantine thereafter until their tenth day with the day of arrival being the first day.
  • Facility-based quarantine until the release of a negative RT-PCR test taken on the seventh day.

  • and home quarantine thereafter until their fourteenth day with the day of arrival being the first day.



For purposes of validating vaccination status of arriving passengers in the Philippines,  per Sec.V of IATF-EID Res.No. 144-A, the following shall be observed: 

  Vaccinated in the Philippines Vaccinated Abroad
For Overseas Filipino Workers and their spouse, parent/s, and/or children travelling with them

Either of the following:

  • VaxCertPH digital vaccination certificate

  • Bureau of Quarantine / World Health Organization-issued  International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICV)
  • National / state digital certificate of the foreign government where they were vaccinated which has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement, unless otherwise permitted by the IATF
  • National / state digital certificate of the foreign government where they were vaccinated which has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement, unless otherwise permitted by the IATF
Foreigner Nationals
  • WHO-issued ICV


  • National / state digital certificate of the foreign government where they were vaccinated which has accepted VaxCertPH under a reciprocal arrangement, unless otherwise permitted by the IATF


For the latest rules and policies on travel to the Philippines, including on quarantine, arrival formalities and other requirements, please monitor announcements from or direct inquiries to the Bureau of Immigration of the Republic of the Philippines through:

Website  :  

Facebook: @officialbureauofimmigration

Hotline   : (+632) 8465-2400

Up-to-date copies of resolutions issued by the IATF-EID are available at:


Ref: CIR2789OUCSCA2021