Istanbul PCG personnel pose with the Istanbul bridges on 12 June 2024

ISTANBUL, 12 JUNE 2024 – Two bridges in Istanbul, connecting the city’s European and Asian side, lit up in the vibrant colors of blue, red, and white hues of the Philippine flag on 12 June 2024 in celebration of the 126th Philippine Independence Day.  The lighting of the bridges began at sundown and ended in the early morning of  13 June 2023.

This year marks the first time that the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge (Istanbul’s third bridge) was illuminated in PH flag colors. While this historic event continued for the second time in the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge also known as Istanbul’s second bridge. Through this initiative, the Philippine Consulate General in Istanbul aims to raise awareness of the Philippines’ rich heritage and foster unity among diverse communities, as well as its commitment to serving its nationals wherever they are in the world.

As the illumination event  also happened on the eve of the 75th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between the Philippines and Türkiye (13 June), it also highlighted the enduring friendship, shared history, and common aspirations for a brighter future between the Philippines and Türkiye, and the commitment to further strengthening the ties between the two countries. 

The Philippine Consulate General in Istanbul thanks the Turkish Government, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Directorate of Highways, the Office of the Governor of Istanbul, and all the agencies involved in making this initiative possible as both countries mark a milestone in their friendship and partnership. END

 Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge (Istanbul’s 3rd bridge)

 Fatih Sultan Mehmet (FSM) Bridge (Istanbul’s 2nd bridge)