PH Consul General Mananquil Discusses Possible Partnership on Music and Culture with South Cotabato-Based Choir Conductor and Artistic Director Karl Melegrito
(L-R) Ms. Ani Blue of Filipino International Charity for Social, Culture and the Arts (FICASCA), Vice Consul Maika Ros B. Fontelera, South Cotobato-based Choir Conductor and Artistic Director Karl Melegrito, and Consul General Shirlene C. Mananquil pose after the brief meeting at the Consulate (Istanbul PCG Photo).
Istanbul, 28 April 2023 — Philippine Consul General Shirlene C. Mananquil met with Mr. Karl Melegrito, South Cotobato-based Choir Conductor and Artistic Director, during the latter’s courtesy call on the Consul General of the Republic of the Philippines to Istanbul, Türkiye on 27 April 2023.
Consul General Manaquil congratulated Mr. Melegrito on his participation in the World Symposium for Choral Music in Istanbul, which is one of the biggest events of the International Federation for Choral Music, and the International Federation for Choral Music General Assembly and other related activities. The events bring together the finest choirs and choral leaders for performances, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and choral reading sessions.
On his part, Mr. Melegrito shared with the Consul General his passion for music and chorale singing ever since he was a child and how he continues to inspire the next generation as he handles both adult and children chorale groups based in South Cotabato.
He also shared that he will conduct some sessions for the Istanbul-based chorale group for their piece on the Independence Day Celebration this coming June 2023, as well as share with them other Filipino pieces that they may showcase in some other activities participated in by the Filipino Community.
Consul General Manaquil thanked Mr. Melegrito for his initiative and welcomed opportunities for further engagement and partnership between him and the Consulate in training not only Filipino choirs within its jurisdiction, but even in the whole of Türkiye with the goal of showcasing both the Filipino talent and Philippine culture through music.
Mr. Melegrito was accompanied by Ms. Ani Blu, founder of one of the Filipino Community Groups in Istanbul called Filipino International Charity for Social, Culture and the Arts (FICASCA). END
Consul General Shirlene C. Mananquil, Vice Consul Maika Ros B. Fontelera, South Cotobato-based Choir Conductor and Artistic Director Karl Melegrito, and Ms. Ani Blue of FICASCA discuss during the courtesy call (Istanbul PCG Photo).