PH Consul General Meets With Leaders of Filipino Community Groups in Istanbul

Consul General Shirlene C. Mananquil lead the PHL Consulate team in meeting representatives of Filipino Community groups in Istanbul on 15 March 2023 (Istanbul PCG Photo).

16 March 2023 - Philippine Consul General Shirlene C. Mananquil hosted a gathering of the leaders of various Filipino community groups in Istanbul on 15 March 2023 to introduce herself and learn about their officers, history, activities, and concerns. 

Present were representatives of the Filipino Community in Turkey (FCT) based in Istanbul, Kabalikat Civicom-Turkiye Chapter, Filipino Community in Istanbul (FCI), AKO OFW Inc-Turkiye, Filipino Charity Association for Social Culture, and Arts (FICASCA), Golden Women, and the Philippine Scholars in Turkiye. 

Consul General Mananquil lauded the strong network of Filipino community groups in Istanbul and other parts of Türkiye like Ankara and Izmir, particularly, their role in mobilizing resources and donations to provide immediate assistance to Filipinos and their Turkish families affected by the February 2023 earthquakes. Post also reminded the groups of the importance of having their members and other contacts registered in the Consulate’s Online Database of Filipino nationals as a tool to prepare for any disasters that may affect Istanbul and neighboring provinces. 

Consul General Mananquil also encouraged the groups to inform their members who have already acquired Turkish citizenship to apply for the Retention or Reacquisition of their Philippine Citizenship under the Philippine Dual Citizenship Act (R.A. 9225) to enjoy their full rights as Filipino citizens, such as exercising their civic duty to vote and the proper recognition of their children as Filipino citizens.

The community group representatives warmly welcomed the new Consul General as well as the new Vice Consul, Ms. Maika Ros B. Fontelera, and expressed their appreciation to Consul Lorena Joy Banagodos and Administrative Officer Helen Firme-Subido and the whole Philippine Consulate Team for the good relations and partnership between them and the Consulate. Both sides expressed enthusiasm at exploring opportunities for further collaboration. END

Representatives of Filipino Community groups in Istanbul with PH Consulate General in Istanbul representatives led by Consul General Shirlene C. Mananquil. (Photo by Rowena Timoteo)