The Consulate General of the Republic of the Philippines intends to procure for its use standees for its Citizen’s Charter which will be placed in its public areas. Each standee is about 200 X 85 cms. in size. The number of standees will depend on the size of the text which will not exceed 20 pages when placed on ordinary A4 size paper.  

 Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for the said goods is Two Thousand Turkish Liras (2,000 TL), inclusive of taxes and other lawful charges.

 The Consulate General accepts open quotations submitted through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The quotations should not exceed the Approved Budget for said goods. Any bidder may wish to coordinate directly with the Consulate General for the exact text to be printed on the standees. The Consulate General reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations and to impose additional terms and conditions as it may deem proper. 

 The quotation should be submitted to the Bids and Awards Committee not later than 12:00 noon of 4 June 2021.  


                                                                    Sincerely yours,




                                                                     LORENA JOY  BANAGODOS

                                                            Bids and Awards Committee Chairperson   


27 May 2021, Istanbul